Denial of Service (DDos) attacks Resources | Cyber Security Talks
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Everything you need to learn about Denial of Service (DDos) attacks

By on November 28, 2017

Editor choice: Best Named Website Firewall (WAF) provider

Imperva Incapsula is a cloud-based application delivery platform. It uses a global content delivery network to provide web application security, DDoS mitigation, content caching, application delivery, load balancing and failover services

Incapsula WAF provides solutions to protect websites against SQL injections, cross site scripting, illegal resource access and all other OWASP top 10 threats, and web 2.0 threats including comment spam, referrer spam, fake registrations, site scraping, malicious bots, and academic web archiving.

It works by changing a website's Domain Name System (DNS) record to route the website traffic through Incapsula. Incapsula then filters out malicious attacks from bots and website scrapers.[9] Incapsula also has a content delivery network that caches websites on their server network to speed up website load time. The cached information is returned from a server closest to the end user in order to provide fast page loads. This also eliminates slow response from central servers due to heavy server traffic.

Try Incapsula

Incapsula is raising cyber security awareness by providing all the resources below.

Free Boot Camp: DDoS Protection Mastery

Free Boot Camp Register - Source: Incapsula

In a fun, quiz-based online format, these free training courses give you the technical knowledge and skills to identify and block different types of DDoS attacks. Start Here

FREE T-Shirt: Sign for 15 Min. Personal Demo and get a FREE T-shirt even if you cancel

FREE E-book: Why DDoS Attackers Love SaaS Companies and How to Stop Them

Free Book to Stop DDos Attackers Download - Source: Incapsula

With a business model dependent on 100% uptime for their online customers, the last thing SaaS companies can afford is a DDoS attack.
Find out:

  • Why SaaS companies are such a popular target for DDoS attacks
  • What are the costs and risks of DDoS attacks to your business
  • What are the steps SaaS companies can take to defend themselve

Download Here

FREE PlayBook: Prepare Your Business for DDoS Attacks Before It's Too Late

Free Playbook Download- Source: Incapsula

Like any business initiative, good preparation and planning can go a long way toward making the DDoS response process as manageable, painless, and inexpensive as possible.

Find out:

  • How you can effectively plan and execute your DDoS response plan
  • What are the best practices for choosing and setting up the right mitigation solution for your organization
  • What the steps and procedures for authoritatively responding to a DDoS attack

Download Here

FREE Trial: Stop DDoS Attacks In 5 Minutes

Start Here

White Paper: Understanding Pulse Wave DDoS Attacks

Free White paper Download- Source: Incapsula

Pulse wave DDoS is a new attack tactic, designed to double the botnet’s output and exploit soft spots in “appliance first cloud second” hybrid mitigation solutions.

Comprised of a series of short-lived bursts occurring in clockwork-like succession, pulse wave assaults accounted for some of the most ferocious DDoS attacks we ever mitigated.

Reading this white paper will help you:

  • Understand the nature of pulse wave DDoS attacks
  • See how they are used to pin down multiple targets
  • Discover the soft spots these assaults can exploit
  • Learn about other attacks that occur in short bursts
Download Here

Incapsula History

Incapsula was founded in 2009 by Gur Shatz and Marc Gaffan. The company originally operated under the company Imperva (NYSE:IMPV), an American-based cyber security company who owned 85% of the company. It was spun out from Imperva in 2009 and reported to be growing at a rate of 50% per quarter as of August 2013. In February 2014 Imperva bought the remaining part of Incapsula and it became a product line within the parent company.

Incapsula was attributed with protecting against one of the Internet's largest attacks on a website as of October 2013. The attack was said to have lasted nine hours with 100Gbit/s of traffic at its peak. The attack was against BTC China, a bitcoin and yuan trading platform.

In December 2016 Incapsula revealed that it had again defended against its largest DDoS attack, peaking at over 650Gbit/s and 200Mpps.

Companies using Incapsula

Elmalla A. (@elmalla) is Chief Sales Officer at i-AWCS, which focuses on web application security solutions.